The coaching experience with REC is completely flexible and everything is centred around you, the athlete.

The full list of services can be found below and for those not looking for full coaching I also host weekly swim sessions looking at stroke efficiency. These sessions have the same philosophy as the group sessions that the fully coached athletes take part in: low numbers (4-5 maximum per session) to ensure a high coach to athlete ratio and high levels of coach input.

Fully coached athletes benefit from the following:

Contact time

  • Unlimited contact within office hours.

  • Weekly scheduled call/video call.

  • Training reviewed daily by coach.

  • Updates to training schedule as often as needed.

Training delivery

  • Training programmes can be sent to athletes via Trainingpeaks or e-mail.

  • While they can be useful tools there is no requirement for power meter or heart rate monitor.

Race support

  • Fueling and strategy guidance built into training, throughout the process.

  • Race strategy call/video call in race week.

Sport specific

Training can be set up for whichever sport you compete or take part in, be it triathlon, duathlon, running, swimming, cycling, or any combination of swim-bike-run.

Weekly sessions

  • Small group sessions included each week.

  • Package can be tailored to the athlete and the number of weekly sessions can be adjusted.


  • Free trial week.

  • No set up fee.

  • No minimum term/contract length.

  • No cancellation notice.

  • Please contact for monthly cost.